Molten Ventures VCT
Investing in the qualifying dealflow of one of Europe’s leading venture capital groups, within a VCT tax wrapper.
Molten Ventures VCT plc is a successful VCT managed by Elderstreet Investments Limited, a leading UK venture capital fund manager investing in early stage and growth capital for UK growing technology businesses.
The VCT has a high analyst’s score of 87/100 (2023) and has historically generated tax-free income from a portfolio increasingly focused on knowledge intensive technologies.
Investor Information
To obtain a valuation please contact our administrators ISCA by email or call them on 01392 487 056 and say that you would like an up to date valuation for Molten Ventures VCT plc.
Change of Address
If you would like to update your address please download and fill out the Change of Address Form and return it to our Registrar City Partnership (UK) Limited. If you have any questions please contact City Partnership by email or call 01484 240 910
IFA Letters of Authority
To register Letters of Authority on behalf of your clients with the Registrar please download and fill out the Intermediary Letter of Authority form and return it to our Registrar City Partnership (UK) Limited. If you have any questions please contact City Partnership by email or call 01484 240 910.
Replacement Income Tax Certificates
From the 21/22 Tax Year Onwards. These are available for share allotments made for the 21/22 tax year onwards and not prior to that date. To view your shareholding and download your income tax relief certificate (ITRC) please access the Investor Hub here. If you have previously registered for the Investor Hub, you can login using your existing credentials. If you have not previously registered, please refer to the ‘Online Portal’ section below.
Financial Highlights
Current NAV and Total Returns
Financial Reports & Accounts
Dividend Payment Details
To have your dividends paid directly into your bank account please download and fill out the request for payment of interest or dividends form and return it to our Registrar, City Partnership (UK) Limited at:-
City Partnership (UK) Limited
The Mending Rooms
Park Valley Mills
Meltham Road
Tel: 01484 240 910
Dividend Reinvestment Scheme
To enrol in the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme with the Registrar please download and fill out the DRIS form and return it either by post to The City Partnership (UK) Limited, The Mending Rooms, Park Valley Mills, Meltham Road, Huddersfield HD4 7BH or a scanned signed copy to If you have any questions please contact City Partnership by email or call 01484 240 910.
If you would like to be removed from the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme, you can send a letter of instruction (which includes your full name, address and the company you hold shares in) to The City Partnership (UK) Limited, The Mending Rooms, Park Valley Mills, Meltham Road, Huddersfield HD4 7BH or scanned signed copy to
Forthcoming Dividends
An interim dividend of 1 pence per Ordinary Share in respect to the year ending 31 March 2025 will be paid on 25 April 2025 to Shareholders on the register on 28 March 2025 and the shares will be quoted ex-dividend* on 27 March 2025.
Dividends History
Ordinary SharesSales or Transfers
Transferring your Shares
If you would like to transfer your shares please fill out the Stock Transfer Form and return it together with your share certificate to our Registrar, City Partnership (UK) Limited. If you have any questions please contact City Partnership by email or call 01484 240 910. Please note Stamp Duty may apply.
Selling your Shares
If you would like to sell your shares please instruct your stockbroker to contact the VCTs broker Panmure Liberum Ltd who acts as the Company’s corporate broker, and maintains a list of potential sellers to be contacted when the next buyback is undertaken by the Company. The VCT does not buy back shares directly from investors but has a buyback policy through the London Stock Exchange.
The VCT Board is currently monitoring the Company’s distributable reserves to ensure continued compliance with the VCT regulations and it is not expected that any further share buybacks will be made prior to the end of March 2025. However, the Board expects to be able to resume buybacks, subject to the above, from 1 April 2025 onwards.
A precis of the buyback policy is as follows:
The Company has from time to time bought back its Ordinary Shares for cancellation. The Board will agree the price at which such buybacks are undertaken which will not be more than 95.0% of the last published NAV for the Ordinary Shares although the Board may decide to buy back shares at their discretion at a larger discount subject to VCT regulations, liquidity and the Listing Rules.
VCT Information
David Brock
Hugh Aldous
Nicholas Lewis
Richard Marsh
ISCA Administration Services Limited
(Company Secretary)
Sally Duckworth
VCT Portfolio
VCT News
Disclosures & Contact
Regulatory Disclosures
Molten Ventures VCT plc (LSE: MVCT) is registered in England No. 03424984. It is distinct from Molten Ventures plc (LSE: GROW) and does not form part of its group. The Board of Molten Ventures VCT plc remains independent of Molten Ventures plc.
Elderstreet Investments Limited has been appointed as Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) of Molten Ventures VCT plc. Elderstreet Investments Limited is registered in England No. 01825358 and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 148527).
Where any information on this website relating to Molten Ventures VCT plc or Elderstreet Investments Limited constitutes a financial promotion for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended), it is issued and approved by Elderstreet Investments Limited in its capacity as investment manager for its own purposes and for distribution and use in the UK only.
Risk Warnings
Your capital is at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Shares may trade at a discount to their net asset value. The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Therefore you should only make plc investments which you can afford to lose without having any significant impact on your overall financial position or commitments.
Prospective investors are recommended to seek specialist independent tax and financial advice before investing in the VCT. Tax reliefs available are dependent on individual circumstances and the VCT maintaining HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) approval. Tax treatment and qualifying criteria may be subject to change in future.
As a VCT shareholder, you do not have the right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) about the management of the VCT. You would not be able to make a claim to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) about the VCT in the event that the VCT found itself unable to pay out.
Prospective investors must refer to the applicable Offer Document / Prospectus, in particular the section headed “Risk Factors”, when considering an investment in the Company.
Contact Details
Registered Office: 20 Garrick Street, London, WC2E 9BT, United Kingdom.
Phone Number: +44 (0)20 7931 8800
Contact email: